
Day Fourteen

Tap into all five of your senses and see the world for all it has to offer.  Infuse color, sound, smell, taste, and touch into the photo above.  Now write as if you were experiencing these senses for the first time.  And if you dare, consider adding a sixth sense.  Trust your intuition.  Don't question your words, they know more about where the story is going than you do.

1 comment:

  1. when i was teaching some 'special need' east LA barrio children, we planned a trip to the ocean. these children knew gangs, viloence and death. we made kites. we packed a picnic. we traveled in the school van to Zuma beach. i will never forgot the looks on their faces as they saw the ocean for the first time! complete joy! overwhelming happiness! awe! it helped me to see each day with a renewed spirit. what a gift! nsh


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