
Day Two Hundred Thirty Three

Bad paint jobs can happen to good people. You can follow the directions, you can listen to the advice of the most reputable experts, you can invest multiple hours of elbow grease, and the paint still ends up cracking, peeling, or falling off in sheets, seemingly taking pieces of the wall with it. Do not fret, my dear painter. Your HGTV-worthy wall will come. Just summon the courage to peel the layers and start again.


  1. i just LOVE the idea of this...peeling the layers and starting again! it makes me feel anew and "positively" happy! nsh

  2. Perhaps nature decides the longevity of and how binding the layers - wdh

  3. Wow. That is really cool. Before reading what you wrote, I thought it was a picture of a brick floor with trash left all over it. My brain just didn't immediately go to paint chips.


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